Preparation and integration

Before the session

In preparation for your breathwork session, your comfort is paramount. Opt for loose, comfortable clothing that doesn't restrict your movement or breathing, especially around the waist. It's best to avoid belts or buttons that might press into you. If you typically wear a bra, consider loosening it or going without it for the duration of the session.

Prior to our meeting, please refrain from consuming alcohol or any intoxicating substances. A heavy meal can interfere with your breathwork, so make sure to finish eating at least an hour before our session begins and keep meals light leading up to the session.

While caffeine can heighten alertness, it's best to avoid coffee three hours prior to the breathwork session. However, if morning coffee is part of your daily routine, feel free to maintain that. Enjoying a caffeinated tea or cacao right before the journey is acceptable and can be part of your preparation process.

If you're someone who experiences low blood sugar levels, it might be helpful to keep some nuts or a piece of fruit nearby during the session.

Preparation for the session also includes setting aside some time for yourself. In the hour leading up to our live session, find a quiet space where you can drink some water, ensure you've eaten (and allowed enough time for digestion), and center yourself. If possible, try to ground yourself in nature. This is also an ideal time to set an intention for your breathwork session and clear your energetic field.

To maintain this tranquil environment, turn off or silence notifications on your phone. For an uninterrupted experience, consider placing your phone in airplane mode.

Lastly, after concluding your breathwork journey, it's important to rest and recover. For your safety, avoid driving a car or motorcycle for at least 30 minutes after the session. This allows your body and mind to return to their usual rhythms after the breathwork experience.

After the session

It's crucial that you maintain optimal hydration after your session, which can be achieved by consuming a glass of water each hour for the upcoming 48 hours. This regular intake will facilitate the body's natural processes and aid in recovery.

Post-session, it's equally important to establish an environment of self-care and provide yourself with ample space for your healing journey. The process of healing and transformation requires both time and room to unfold.

Take advantage of this time to ground yourself, to integrate the experiences and lessons, and to recalibrate your center. Spending quality time in nature, or directly connecting with the Earth, serves as an ideal method for grounding and integration.

The therapeutic effects of breathwork may linger beyond the immediate session, continuing to influence and guide you. Be receptive to this ongoing process, understanding that it may bring more insights in the days to come. This is the wisdom of breathwork – it's a journey rather than a destination.

To better assimilate any arising insights, practices such as journaling, meditation, restorative or yin yoga, spending time in nature, taking salt baths, consuming nourishing food and drinks, and similar self-care activities can be profoundly beneficial. These practices can support you in navigating any challenges or emotions that may surface.

It's important to remember that the path to healing is not a straight line; it involves peaks, valleys, twists, and turns. Not all issues or patterns are addressed or resolved in a single session. If you find something emerging that requires attention in the days following your session, approach it with gentleness and compassion.

Welcome the opportunity to sit with these experiences and learn from them. Every emotion, memory, or thought that surfaces is presenting an opportunity for deeper awareness, integration, and transformation. By remaining open and curious, you can leverage these opportunities to facilitate your healing journey and transition into a heightened state of embodiment.

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